Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Mental Infirmity of the Human Animal

The reason that the entirely obvious ideas behind Radical Functionalism have not been more widely adopted (despite being brought up in various forms many times over the years) can be directly traced to the mental infirmity of the Human Animal. By this, I mean the emotional and intellectual immaturity that causes Humans to avoid solving their problems because the solving of them will prick the pride of some pompous self important bloviator.

The fundamental truth is that there are not enough quality persons to go around, and so sub-standard persons find themselves given power that they are not qualified to have. And so, in their insecurity, their egos inflate and become more sensitive than a maggot ridden sore.

There is a direct correlation between the size of a person's ego and the magnitude of their insecurity.

Having to tiptoe around a person's insecurity is a truly rage inducing experience. Should a person coddle a mewling bratty child every time they throw a tantrum, or should a person respond in the responsible way, rewarding such spoiled behavior with a sharp slap and a quick reprimand?